Seedlings for Schools

School Wildflower Garden Grant Program

Wildflowers and classroom resources for Florida schools are provided through this program. Grants include 30 native wildflower seedlings, classroom resources and professional guidance on garden establishment. Grants are awarded in late May; plants are shipped in the fall in time for the new school year. Teachers who are awarded grants are eligible to receive more wildflowers in the spring if fall gardens are successfully established and cared for. Public and private pre-K through grade 12 teachers may apply.

Applications for 2025 are open March 1 through April 30, 2025.

For questions related to this program contact
Program and Administrative Coordinator Rose Kinane.

Wildflower garden at Sea Park Elementary
Seedlings for Schools planting at Sea Park Elementary


Designed to help your wildflower gardens — and gardeners — grow
Wild About Wildflowers! activity guide

Our comprehensive activity guide encourages students to learn about Florida’s native wildflowers and their purpose and place in Florida’s unique habitats. These fun, engaging activities will help students achieve a variety of Florida educational standards in math, science and language. When presented from start to finish, the guide gives students a comprehensive introduction to wildflowers, as well as to flowers in general. Activities are correlated to third- and fourth-grade standards but can be adapted to other grade levels. All activities are suitable for informal settings.