Become a Member


Membership Levels:

General: Membership for one adult. Members enjoy free or reduced field trip registrations, free copies of our educational resources and a free native wildflower seed packet.* 

Student/senior: General membership at a discounted rate for one student or one adult age 65+. 

Household: General membership for two adults in the same household. 

Organization/Business/Contributor: Professional membership for businesses and nonprofit organizatons that wish to support our cause. 

Sustaining: Enjoy all the perks of a household membership, but with an amplified impact! With a Sustaining Membership, a larger portion of your contribution directly funds our mission.

Lifetime: Join once and stay forever! Our valued Lifetime members enjoy all of the benefits of a regular membership without the hassle of annual renewal. Take pride knowing that your gift has the greatest impact on our mission.

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If you do not live in Florida, please select Other (at the bottom of the list)
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