Native Plants for Florida Gardens
by Stacey Matrazzo and Nancy Bissett of the Florida Wildflower Foundation (Pineapple Press, 2019)
Takes the mystery out of using native plants in urban landscapes! Showcasing 100 species of wildflowers, vines, shrubs and trees. At-a-glance keys make it easy to determine bloom color, blooming seasons, and light and moisture requirements. Easy-to-read text provides details for success, including native range, care and site conditions.
$21.95 + tax, shipping and handling

Do not mow sign
Let everyone know it’s not ok to mow your wildflowers with this colorful aluminum sign!
Sign is 9″ x 12″ rigid aluminum with rounded corners and 2 center-drilled holes (top and bottom).
$30 each + tax, shipping and handling

Wildflower Seeds
At this time, the Florida Wildflower Foundation is not selling wildflower seeds through our website. To purchase Florida native wildflower seed, visit the Florida Wildflower Growers Cooperative at