Summer news from PWA counties

Summer news from PWA counties

Read about Escambia County’s new wildflower program, Santa Rosa County’s mowing challenges, spectacular blooms in Jefferson County, Leon County’s City Nature Challenge and much more news from around the Panhandle in the PWA Summer 2019 newsletter.

Become a Member

Become a Member join today Become a Member Our members have raised more than $4 million to spread flowers along roadsides, research their mysteries, and teach people how Florida’s first flowers sustain bees and butterflies. Join them today in supporting native wildflowers and the wildlife depending on them. Or print an application to send via mail. Have…

Wildflower Photography: Vince Lamb helps you get the picture

Wildflower Photography: Vince Lamb helps you get the picture

Vince Lamb is a Florida native and a true activist who champions our Florida environment through his participation in numerous groups and committees, but his talent truly shines as a nature photographer documenting Florida plants, places and wildlife.

Celebrating Micanopy’s Pollinator Victory Garden

Celebrating Micanopy’s Pollinator Victory Garden

Micanopy celebrated its 200th anniversary with a new Pollinator Victory Garden, supported by a Viva Florida grant. The garden will provide food, shelter and habitat for pollinators and be a centerpiece for this historic town.

Micanopy Native Plant Garden

The Micanopy native plant garden utilizes Florida native wildflowers, grasses and shrubs that provide vital habitat for bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects, as well as seeds, berries and insects for birds.

Look for spring wildflowers early this year

Look for spring wildflowers early this year

This bloom report is from March 2021. Drought may develop over the next few months from North Central Florida to South Florida, according to the Climate Prediction Center, so the time is now for spring wildflower viewing.


Protecting Roadsides Roadsides are more than mere stretches of concrete flanked by grass. They are prime locations for wildflowers and play a crucial role in sustaining our environment and economy. Critical pollinator habitat Roadsides serve as a vital stages for one of nature’s most crucial actors — pollinators. By reducing mowing along roadsides, we create…

Learn to Grow

Learn to Grow

Learn to Grow Get started growing wildflowers Bring best practices home. Discover the best methods for establishing wildflowers in your garden with resources that will help you select and find the right plant for the right place. Why plant native? YOU can help stem the tide of global insect decline and create habitat and pathways…

Little metalmark

Little metalmark

The Little metalmark is one of the tiniest butterflies, having a wingspan of only 1.2 – 2.5 cm. The silver markings on its wings give members of the Riodinidae family the common name “metalmark.”

20 Easy-to-Grow Wildflowers — your guide to success!

With interest mounting in using wildflowers in urban landscapes, there is a huge demand for information about Florida’s native plants. “20 Easy-to-Grow Wildflowers” features a selection of 20 “tried and true” species that are easy to grow and maintain.