Attracting Butterflies

Attracting Butterflies

You can help provide food and habitat for Florida’s butterflies by landscaping with native wildflowers. Learn more now. Versión en español disponible.

Spring — a time of renewal, planting and planning

Who doesn’t love spring? It puts us in a happy place to see plants bursting forth with new green leaves and a promise of growth. For gardeners, it’s a very busy time as we plan, pull weeds and plant.

Plant selection guide

Plant selection guide

This guide includes over 120 Florida native wildflowers, shrubs, vines and grasses that work well in home landscapes. It will help you choose plants based on your location, soil and light conditions, color and season of bloom, and pollinator use. Versión en español disponible.

Become a Member

Become a Member join today Become a Member Our members have raised more than $4 million to spread flowers along roadsides, research their mysteries, and teach people how Florida’s first flowers sustain bees and butterflies. Join them today in supporting native wildflowers and the wildlife depending on them. Or print an application to send via mail. Have…

Foundation awards 9 Viva Florida grants

Foundation awards 9 Viva Florida grants

The Florida Wildflower Foundation is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Viva Florida Landscape Demonstration Garden grants. Nine grants were awarded for projects from Palm Beach County in South Florida to Santa Rosa County in the Panhandle.

Celebrating Micanopy’s Pollinator Victory Garden

Celebrating Micanopy’s Pollinator Victory Garden

Micanopy celebrated its 200th anniversary with a new Pollinator Victory Garden, supported by a Viva Florida grant. The garden will provide food, shelter and habitat for pollinators and be a centerpiece for this historic town.

Micanopy Native Plant Garden

The Micanopy native plant garden utilizes Florida native wildflowers, grasses and shrubs that provide vital habitat for bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects, as well as seeds, berries and insects for birds.

Ethnobotany of Wildflowers

Ethnobotany of Wildflowers

Imagine yourself as a native Indian or early explorer 500 hundred years ago trying to survive in Florida. There is quite a compendium of knowledge about early uses of native trees and shrubs, but what about wildflowers?

Bloom Report: Wildflowers bloom earlier than normal

Bloom Report: Wildflowers bloom earlier than normal

This bloom report is from March 2017. Earlier-than-normal blooming of spring wildflowers is occurring more often, but this year stands out because some wildflowers are blooming nearly a month earlier than expected.