Seed sowing is often the most economical means of establishing wildflower plantings in landscape and natural settings. However, competition from noxious weeds or aggressive native species that co-exist on a site can present major limitations to wildflower seedling establishment in restoration and landscaping settings. Wildflower planting failure is sometimes expressed as decreased aesthetic value in commercial landscapes or limited establishment of desired species in restoration projects. Such failures can be linked to a lack of information regarding weed seed biology and requirements for weed management. Furthermore, wildflower planting failure can cast doubt on continued use of native wildflowers. Therefore, a critical need exists to disseminate information related to the germination, establishment and control measures for species affecting wildflower plantings. The bibliographic citations in this document relate to the ecology, germination, establishment, and control measures of selected weed species that interfere with Florida native wildflower establishment. A steering-committee, composed of Florida native wildflower stakeholders and the PI, Hector Perez, University of Florida1, developed a list of thirteen primary and nine secondary weed species of interest. We focused our attention on the primary species and collected citations for secondary species as time permitted.
Suggested citation: Hector Perez