Help pollinators! 2 new resources join bird brochure
The pollinators we depend on for our health, as well as the health of our natural areas, are struggling. We can’t afford to lose them — they provide every third bite of food we eat and pollinate 80 percent of the world’s flowering plants. It’s up to us all to reverse their decline. But how?
The Florida Wildflower Foundation has two new brochures that will guide you in choosing beneficial native wildflowers for the pollinators for your landscape and garden. The publications include tips on environmentally friendly practices that will keep your bees, butterflies and wildflowers thriving. They join the similarly formatted Attracting Birds brochure published in April.

The brochures were produced with donations received from the State Wildflower license plate and Florida Power & Light, which has included wildflower, pollinator and other habitat areas at its solar farms as part of a solar sanctuary partnership with Audubon Florida.
“As native, natural habitat vanishes, the insects that pollinate food crops and natural areas are struggling to find food and habitat. Add insecticides used by farmers and homeowners, and it’s a one-two punch,” said Lisa Roberts, Florida Wildflower Foundation executive director. “These publications can help people create urban pollinator pathways with wildflowers that will attract butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects.”
Florida is home to more than 300 species of bees and 200 species of butterflies, some of which are “specialists,” meaning they rely on a single wildflower species or family for food or habitat. Others benefit from a wide variety of native wildflowers.
Both brochures offer gardening tips and have charts with information on flower color, bloom season, region for use, growth habit, and ideal soil moisture and light exposure. Many of the recommended flowers are pictured.
Take action for pollinators
- Never use insecticides in your landscape.
- Incorporate a bee box that welcomes native bees.
- Plant a variety of wildflowers with different shapes and colors.
- Learn more about wildflowers.
- Learn about the pollinators in your landscape.
Quantities of the publications may be ordered for meetings and events by clicking here.
These publications were developed with support from the State Wildflower license plate. Get yours today — it’s just a phone call away!