Guide for Choosing Native Wildflowers and Plants
Landscaping with Florida’s native wildflowers and plants provides refuge for birds, bees and butterflies while creating “habitat highways” through urban settings.
Need help finding the right natives for your landscape?
Look no further!
Our “Guide for Choosing Native Wildflowers and Plants” includes over 70 Florida native wildflowers, shrubs, vines and grasses that work well in home landscapes and are generally available at nurseries that specialize in native plants.
Use this guide to identify plants that are suitable for your geographic location and soil and light conditions. Increase diversity and attract wildlife by choosing plants with varied bloom colors and bloom seasons, as well as plants that provide nectar and pollen. And don’t forget to add some larval host plants to provide food for caterpillars.
Profiles of the plants included in the guide are included below. Click the buttons below to jump to a specific section.