Scaleleaf aster's lavender-colored ray florets and yellow disk florets
Scaleleaf aster
Scaleleaf aster (Symphyotrichum adnatum) is hardly noticeable when not in bloom. But in late fall and early winter, its copious periwinkle blooms make for a showy display.
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Scarlet calamint red flowers
Scarlet calamint
The brilliant red flowers of Scarlet calamint (Calamintha coccinea) offer a dramatic contrast against the backdrop of scrub, sandhill and coastal dunes where the plant naturally occurs. The long, nectar-rich flowers are particularly attractive to hummingbirds and large butterflies. They bloom in abundance in early spring and late fall, but may flower sporadically throughout the year. In peak bloom, a single plant may produce 100 or more flowers.
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Scarlet hibiscus bloom
Scarlet hibiscus
Scarlet hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus) has large, crimson blooms that attract hummingbirds, butterflies and other pollinators. They remain open for only one day, but the plant produces many flowers throughout the summer
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Scorpionstail, Heliotropium angiospernum
Scorpionstail (Heliotropium angiospermum) is a shrub-like plant with unique white flowers that bloom year-round. Its nectar attracts a variety of butterflies including the Miami blue and Schaus’ swallowtail.
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Sea lavender, Heliotropium gnaphalodes
Sea lavender
Sea lavender (Heliotropium gnaphalodes) is an evergreen shrub found in dunes and thickets on the Atlantic coast of Central and South Florida. Its small but showy flowers emit a subtly sweet scent and attract many pollinators, especially butterflies.
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Sea oats
There is nothing more iconic to the Florida summer coastal scene than Sea oats (Uniola paniculata) swaying to the sea breeze in the dunes. The flowers of this tall and sprawling grass provide pollen to a variety of insects, and the seeds are eaten by beach mice, rabbits and birds.
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Seaside goldenrod flower stalk with bees
Seaside goldenrod
The conspicuous golden blooms of Seaside goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens) are found on dunes, in tidal marshes, bogs and sandy flatwoods, along roadsides and in disturbed areas in Florida’s coastal counties.
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Vaccinium myrsinites
Shiny blueberry
Shiny blueberry (Vaccinium myrsinites) is a low evergreen shrub that flowers heavily in the spring. It occurs naturally in mesic pine flatwoods, sandhills, scrubby flatwoods, dry prairies and scrub habitats.
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Shiny lyonia
Shiny lyonia (Lyonia lucida) is an erect woody evergreen shrub that produces a plethora of small, fragrant blooms in whitish-pink to pink to red.
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Shortleaf gayfeather
Shortleaf gayfeather (Liatris tenuifolia) is endemic to the Southeastern Coastal Plain and thrives in the dry, well-drained sands of Florida’s scrub and pine flatwoods. The beautiful lavender fall blooms are a valuable food source for many pollinators.
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Showy milkwort
Despite its common name, Showy milkwort (Asemeia violacea) is a diminutive herbaceous wildflower with small flowers that are borne somewhat sparsely on terminal racemes. It is a summer-bloomer, but can bloom year-round in the southern part of the state. The flowers are attractive to bees, the plant’s primary pollinator. Showy milkwort occurs naturally in pinelands, prairies and open disturbed areas throughout Florida.
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Sixangle foldwing's red tubular flowers
Sixangle foldwing
Also known as False mint, Sixangle foldwing (Dicliptera sexangularis) is a modest yet eye-catching wildflower found in coastal hammocks and strands, ruderal areas and mangrove swamps, and along salt marsh edges. It typically flowers spring through early fall, but may bloom year-round. Its bright red blooms are particularly attractive to hummingbirds and butterflies. The plant is a larval host for the Cuban crescent butterfly.
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Slimleaf pawpaw
Slimleaf pawpaw (Asimina angustifolia) is a deciduous flowering shrub found in flatwoods, scrub and sandhills from southeast Georgia into North Florida. It is a larval host for the Zebra swallowtail butterfly and Pawpaw sphinx moth.
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Small butterwort
Small butterwort (Pinguicula pumila) is a diminutive, insectivorous wildflower found in wet pinelands and prairies throughout most of Florida. It blooms winter through spring.
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Smallflower pawpaw
Smallflower pawpaw (Asimina parviflora ) is a deciduous flowering shrub to small tree found in floodplain forests and hardwood hammocks throughout the Southeastern Coastal Plain from southern Virginia to eastern Texas.
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Snow squarestem
Also known as Cat’s tongue, Salt and pepper and Nonpareil, Snow squarestem (Melanthera nivea) typically blooms summer through early winter, but can bloom year-round, attracting bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
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Snowberry, Chiococca alba
Snowberry (Chiococca alba) is a robust evergreen vinelike shrub that occurs naturally in pine rocklands, shell mounds and coastal strands and hammocks. Its fragrant flowers bloom spring through fall.
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