Board member profile: Gary Henry
Meet Gary Henry, longtime wildflower advocate and enthusiast. Gary Henry is the former Florida Department of Transportation’s landscape architect and a founding member of the Florida Wildflower Foundation board.
Member profile: Dena Wild
Dena Wild’s career as city planner and urban designer spanned 35 years. She worked in cities throughout the country maintaining through design the character of traditional neighborhoods and commercial districts that were being affected by redevelopment.
Board member profile: Terry Zinn
Terry Zinn has served on the Florida Wildflower Foundation Board since 2007 as a representative of the Florida Wildflower Seed and Plant Growers Association. He has practiced environmental law since 1984 and holds a master’s degree in wildlife ecology.
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Support Wildflowers
Our members have raised more than $4 million to spread flowers along roadsides, research their mysteries, and teach people how Florida’s first flowers sustain bees and butterflies. Join them today in supporting native wildflowers and the wildlife depending on them.
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