FIELD TRIP – Christmas Tree Cutting in Ocala National Forest
Join the Florida Wildflower Foundation on Saturday, December 7 at 10am to cut down your very own fresh from Florida Christmas tree.
Upcoming Events, Field Trips, and Webinars
Join the Florida Wildflower Foundation on Saturday, December 7 at 10am to cut down your very own fresh from Florida Christmas tree.
Join the Florida Wildflower Foundation on Saturday, January 4th at 9am as we explore the wildflowers of the Everglades with renowned naturalist and author Roger Hammer.
Join us for a leisurely stroll down a winding boardwalk through the floodplain at Flagler County’s Haw Creek Preserve
Join Florida Wildflower Foundation and field trip leader Jeffrey Weber for a hike through Old Miakka Preserve to see oak scrub, pine flatwoods, riparian oak/palm/hardwood forest, depression marshes and a seasonal blackwater creek.
Join us for a day of exploration at Blackwater River State Forest as we visit lupine habitats and search for the endangered Frosted elfin butterfly.