Bruce J. Host Northeast Branch Library Native Plant Garden

Bruce J. Host Northeast Branch Library in Tallahassee was selected to pilot the Seeds of Knowledge Library Demonstration Garden Grant in spring 2024. The garden was planted and is maintained by the Tallahassee Garden Club, Babies Breath Circle. The garden features Florida native flowers, shrubs and vines throughout the front garden, along with bird baths and a butterfly puddler.

DID YOU KNOW? Florida native plants are adapted to thrive in our climate, conditions and soil. They need less water than other plants, and require no fertilizers, pesticides or other chemicals. This saves precious water resources and keeps excess nutrients from polluting lakes, rivers and streams.

The garden was made possible by a grant from the Florida Wildflower Foundation.

Bruce J. Host Northeast Branch Library demonstration garden
Bruce J. Host Northeast Branch Library demonstration garden

The following native species were planted:

Wild columbine

Wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) is one of Florida’s most striking and unique native wildflowers. It occurs naturally in only three counties in the Panhandle and is a state-listed endangered species.
Read more… Wild columbine
A butterfly with orange and black wings delicately rests on a flowering Conradina canescens bush.

False rosemary

False rosemary (Conradina canescens) occurs naturally in sand pine scrub and sandhills. Many pollinator species are attracted to false rosemary, but bees are the most prominent visitor.
Read more… False rosemary
Palamedes swallowtail on Dense gayfeather, Liatris spicata

Dense gayfeather

Dense gayfeather (Liatris spicata ) has striking spikes of purple flowers that bloom late summer through fall and are excellent attractors of butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects.
Read more… Dense gayfeather

Snow squarestem

Also known as Cat’s tongue, Salt and pepper and Nonpareil, Snow squarestem (Melanthera nivea) typically blooms summer through early winter, but can bloom year-round, attracting bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Read more… Snow squarestem
Spotted beebalm flowers.

Spotted beebalm

Spotted beebalm (Monarda punctata) is a robust, aromatic wildflower known to attract a huge variety of pollinating insects, including bees, wasps and butterflies. It blooms from early summer through fall.
Read more… Spotted beebalm
Hairyawn muhlygrass


Nothing says fall in Florida like the purple haze of Muhlygrass (Muhlenbergia capillaris) in bloom. When planted en masse, this perennial bunchgrass puts on a spectacular fall display.
Read more… Muhlygrass
Frogfruit flowers


Frogfruit (Phyla nodiflora) is both a versatile and vital wildflower. This evergreen perennial is low-growing and creeping, often forming dense mats of green foliage.
Read more… Frogfruit
Tropical sage flowers

Tropical sage

Tropical sage ( Salvia coccinea) is a versatile perennial wildflower that no pollinator can resist, but it is particularly attractive to bees, large butterflies and hummingbirds.
Read more… Tropical sage


From spring through fall, dense stands of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis) with their large clusters of bright white flowers can be seen along Florida’s roadways and wetland edges. This…
Read more… Elderberry
Starry rosinweed flower

Starry rosinweed

Starry rosinweed (Silphium asteriscus) is a robust perennial with showy yellow blooms. It occurs naturally in flatwoods, sandy pinelands and disturbed areas and attracts a variety of pollinators.
Read more… Starry rosinweed

Forked bluecurls

Forked bluecurls (Trichostema dichotomum ) have dainty yet distinctive bluish-purple flowers. They are short-lived, opening only in the morning, but individual plants may produce thousands of flowers throughout a season…
Read more… Forked bluecurls
Vaccinium myrsinites

Shiny blueberry

Shiny blueberry (Vaccinium myrsinites) is a low evergreen shrub that flowers heavily in the spring. It occurs naturally in mesic pine flatwoods, sandhills, scrubby flatwoods, dry prairies and scrub habitats…
Read more… Shiny blueberry
Great Southern white on Tall ironweed, Vernonia gigantea

Giant ironweed

Giant ironweed (Vernonia gigantea) is a robust perennial wildflower that blooms in summer and fall, with peak blooming in July. It attracts many pollinators, particularly butterflies.
Read more… Giant ironweed


Help Florida’s wildlife and environment by using native wildflowers and plants in your landscape. Click here to learn more information on planting, selecting and maintaining native plants, or check out these resources: