Bee City Gainesville—Gainesville Garden Club

This demonstration garden utilizes Florida native wildflowers and shrubs that provide vital resources for native butterflies, bees, birds and other wildlife. Click for a full list of plants utilized in the garden.


Florida native plants are adapted to thrive in our climate, conditions and soil. They need less water than other plants, and require no fertilizers, pesticides or other chemicals. This saves precious water resources and keeps excess nutrients from polluting lakes, rivers and streams.

Sign for a native plant garden in a garden located near a road. Trees and a few people are visible in the background.
Bee City Gainesville planting at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
Photo by Emily Bell

The City of Gainesville received its Bee City USA designation in November 2022. An initiative of the Xerces Society, Bee City USA’s mission is to galvanize communities to sustain pollinators by providing them with healthy habitat, rich in a variety of native plants and free of insecticides. Pollinators like bumble bees, sweat bees, mason bees, honey bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, flies, hummingbirds, and many others are responsible for the reproduction of almost ninety percent of the world’s flowering plant species and one in every three bites of food we consume.

The Florida Wildflower Foundation protects, connects and expands native wildflower habitats through education, research, planting and conservation. Learn more at

Native Garden at Gainesville Garden Club — Featured Plants

The following native species were planted in the Gainesville Garden Club’s native plant garden:

Partridge pea

Partridge pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) is a larval host for several butterflies, including the Gray hairstreak and Cloudless sulphur. The plant is also used by bees, ants, flies, wasps, birds and…
Read more… Partridge pea
Mistflower blooms


Mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum) gives the appearance of a blue fog when blooming en masse. Its flowers are very attractive to pollinators, especially butterflies, moths and long-tongued bees.
Read more… Mistflower
Lanceleaf tickseed flower

Lanceleaf tickseed

Lanceleaf tickseed (Coreopsis lanceolata ) has conspicuously sunny flowers that typically bloom in spring. It attracts butterflies and other pollinators, and its seeds are eaten by birds and small wildlife.
Read more… Lanceleaf tickseed

Snow squarestem

Also known as Cat’s tongue, Salt and pepper and Nonpareil, Snow squarestem (Melanthera nivea) typically blooms summer through early winter, but can bloom year-round, attracting bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Read more… Snow squarestem
Spotted beebalm flowers.

Spotted beebalm

Spotted beebalm (Monarda punctata) is a robust, aromatic wildflower known to attract a huge variety of pollinating insects, including bees, wasps and butterflies. It blooms from early summer through fall.
Read more… Spotted beebalm
Tropical sage flowers

Tropical sage

Tropical sage ( Salvia coccinea) is a versatile perennial wildflower that no pollinator can resist, but it is particularly attractive to bees, large butterflies and hummingbirds.
Read more… Tropical sage

Lyreleaf sage

Lyreleaf sage (Salvia lyrata) is an attractive perennial with leafless spikes of tubular, lavender to bluish flowers. Bees are its predominant pollinator, but it also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Read more… Lyreleaf sage
Starry rosinweed flower

Starry rosinweed

Starry rosinweed (Silphium asteriscus) is a robust perennial with showy yellow blooms. It occurs naturally in flatwoods, sandy pinelands and disturbed areas and attracts a variety of pollinators.
Read more… Starry rosinweed

Forked bluecurls

Forked bluecurls (Trichostema dichotomum ) have dainty yet distinctive bluish-purple flowers. They are short-lived, opening only in the morning, but individual plants may produce thousands of flowers throughout a season…
Read more… Forked bluecurls
Close-up of a Rougeplant (Rivina humilis) with red and green berries and small white flowers on thin stems, surrounded by green leaves.

Rougeplant (Rivina humilis) is an evergreen shrub that provides flowers and fruit throughout the year. (Photo: JennyEvans CC BY-NC 2.0)


Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) is a perennial wildflower whose bright yellow blooms attract a plethora of pollinators. (Photo: Emily Bell)

Blanketflower plants in bloom.

No longer classified as native, this annual wildflower still provides pollinator resources.

Pollinators need your help!

Help Florida’s wildlife and environment by using native wildflowers and plants in your landscape. Click here to learn more about planting, selecting and maintaining native plants, or check out these resources:

The garden was made possible by the Florida Wildflower Foundation in partnership with the Gainesville Garden Club and the City of Gainesville. Check out images from the inaugural planting on Saturday, November 2, 2024 here.

Green circular logo of Gainesville Garden Club, featuring a white hummingbird with leaves and the year 1924.