Shiny lyonia

Shiny lyonia

Shiny lyonia (Lyonia lucida) is an erect woody evergreen shrub that produces a plethora of small, fragrant blooms in whitish-pink to pink to red.

Rusty lyonia

Rusty lyonia

Rusty lyonia ( Lyonia ferruginea) is a long-lived evergreen flowering shrub, so named for the many rust-colored hairs that cover the plant’s leaves, stems and trunk.

Greenbriar Park Native Meadow in Wellington

Welcome to our Greenbriar Park Native Wildflower Demonstration Meadow made possible through the Florida Wildflower Foundation Viva Florida grant with cooperation from the Village of Wellington.

Plant selection guide

Plant selection guide

This guide includes over 120 Florida native wildflowers, shrubs, vines and grasses that work well in home landscapes. It will help you choose plants based on your location, soil and light conditions, color and season of bloom, and pollinator use. Versión en español disponible.

Oak hairstreak butterfly, Satyrium favonius

Oak hairstreak butterfly

You might not see very much of the Oak hairstreak butterfly, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t around. They are usually just hanging out in the trees above your head!

bog garden with carnivorous plants

Spring news from PWA counties

The Panhandle Wildflower Alliance’s Fall 2020 newsletter features updates about new wildflower programs, where to see wildflowers in bloom, and much more.