2020 Seedlings for Schools grants postponed
The 2020 Seedlings for Schools garden grants have been postponed to give teachers time to adjust to the “new normal” of teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thirty-five teachers across Florida were to receive wildflowers for campus gardens in September. Instead, plants will be shipped to grant recipients in either spring or fall 2021, depending on schools’ plans. Grant administrator Claudia Larsen will stay in touch with educators while using this additional time to develop curriculum aids and activities.
Meanwhile, the 2021 grant application cycle will proceed as planned, opening on March 15.

The Seedlings for Schools program began in 2009 as Seeds for Schools, which gave grants of native wildflower seeds to pre-K to high school teachers. To give teachers and students a more immediate experience, the program switched to shipping live plants in 2015. Teachers also receive free classroom resources, such as the Foundation’s Wild About Wildflowers! Activity Guide.
Learn more about the Seedlings for Schools grants program, which has provided more than 500 grants to teachers.